Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ayam Goreng KFC (my version)

Assalamualaikum! (excited~ yeay yeay yeay)

heeee~~ can't stop smiling. My appetite has been really scary nowadays. LOL. If you added me on facebook, my status is all about foods: chicken wings, kebab, nasi ayam *drool* me. There goes my diet plan.

Anyway, I was craving for fried chickens (KFC style) since 2 or 3 days ago. Gosh, miss KFC KB:P I told my housemate, Aisyah.

With the face of cute baby girl who's just wake up from a long sleep, Iwent to her room. 

ME: Ecah!! Ecah!! Jom buat ayam goreng KFC! 
Ecah: haaaahhh??? *weird face*-_-' reti ke?
ME: alaaa, tgk dlm internet la


ME: alamak, semua bahan dia complicated la *sadface*
Ecah: alah, reka sendiri laaaaa
ME: hummm...kalau x jadi camne? *sadface*-mulut muncung mcm itik je-haish.
 (but it turned out that, I was the only one who's been doing the cooking stuff. *BABAB AISYAH!:P)

So, I take the risk. I hope Ecah wont constipate after eating it. (well, she didnt;p)

Okay, today we will make fried chickens which I think not bad. I can open my own SFC (Syamimi's Fried Chicken.) As usual, let us see the pictures first so that you will have no doubt about my cooking skill. Hehe

Amacam? Jadi x jadi x???hehehe.. jadi anak anak Ummi, nanti xpayah ikut Abi pergi makan McD mahupun KFC ye. Mintak je dgn Ummi.LOL:P

We have to marinate the chicken first.


2 cloves of garlic
1cm x 2.5 cm ginger
1 teaspoon of soy sauce
1/2 or 1 teaspoon of  chili powder

(you can blend the above ingredients or mash it using mortar)

Then, take out about 6 to 8 pieces of chicken and mix it with the marinade. Add some turmeric powder , 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and pinches of salt. Let it mix well for about 5 to 10 minutes (or longer)

For the barter (adunan tepung utk disalut pada ayam)

6 tablespoon of plain flour
2 tablespoon of cornflour *exceptional*
1 teaspoon of black pepper
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1 egg
some salt
some water

mix the ingredients until you get a barter, not so thick and not too slushy.

Frying the chicken
1. I put the marinated chicken into the oven first so that the inside is half cooked. (xpasai pasai kang mentah lagi isi bila dah masak nanti) just kidding. But, i think it is ok too if you don't do this part.

2. Take one piece of chicken and dip it into the barter. Fry it. (deep fry) Make sure to always turn over the chicken so that it will fairly cooked for both side and have a nice texture.

3. Repeat step 2 for the rest of the chicken.

It sounds complicated because I write it in english i think. You can see the translation below. Besides, my english is not that precise to write a recipe.hehe. Just an attempt.:p

Selamat mencuba!!!


Bahan perap:
2 ulas bawang putih
halia sebesar ibu jari korang
1 sudu kecil kicap
1/2 atau 1 sudu kecil serbuk cili

Tumbuk bahan di atas dan sapukan pada ayam. Sapukan juga sedikit kunyit, masukkan gula dan garam. Perap selama 5 ke 10 minit.

Bahan utk salut tepung

6 sudu besar tepung gandum
2 sudu besar tepung jagung (xnak letak pn xpe)
1 sudu kecil lada hitam
1 sudu kecil baking powder
sebijik telur

campurkan kesemua bahan sehingga jadi barter. biarkan sekejap.

Menggoreng minyak penuh
1. ambil ayam yang dah diperap (sy masukkan dlm oven dlu supaya masak kat dlm. xbuat pn xpe.) Celupkan ke dalam barter dan goreng.  Balik balikkan ayam selalu supaya barter x cepat masak. Kalau barter masak cepat, mungkin isi ayam mentah.

2. Ulang langkah 1.

 You can also eat it with onion rings. dip it with hot chili sauce. Yum! YUM!!! (saje nak buat kamu semua terliur)

Eat it while watching movie Eiffel I'm in Love. waaaaa....(terus xsedar diri y asignment x siap lagi:P)


  1. x cukop tpg beras la mek... x garing ar kalu xgune tpg beras..

  2. awe, awe xtry mkn deh. garing je. ecah dh try td..haha.:P

  3. haha iyo la mek... demo terer msk.. :P

  4. yay! chef amir sudah approve skill memasak sy.:P.bila nak wat mee goreng lagi?hehehe

  5. hmm......crazy nyer apetite la u nie...

  6. Ayam goreng ke? Fluffy cam cekodok jek.
    Rum8 kamu just nk jaga hati, percayalah.
    Kita kan org Melayu, terkenal dgn budi bahasa.hehe

  7. NNAZ: errr....PMS kot
    Mike romeo sierra: org jeles mmg slalu ckp mcm tu
