Sunday, December 11, 2011

Kek Batik


less talk more pic (cz, im not in blogging mood)-.-
I made kek batik for sisters gathering and also for Ummi Nadzirah bt Zainol.

These are for my cousins. hehe. We'll make it together some time in the future.:)

Sunday, November 27, 2011


So not funny, zack. -.-


I made Apam Balik today. Tapi tak mau bagi nama dia apam balik sebab bahan yang digunakan sangat lah seperti waffle. nanti nak try buat yang guna yeast dan tepung roti:) Tapi yang ni kalau takat nak makan lepas gian tu boleh laaaa...

Bahan untuk roti apam
2 sudu besar gula halus
1 biji telur
2/4+1/4 cawan susu sejat (3/4 cawan guna susu segar pun boleh)
1 cawan tepung naik sendiri*
1/2 sude teh baking powder*
1/4 sudu teh soda bikarbonat* (campur bersama)
1 sudu besar mentega cair
sedikit garam
1 sudu teh esen vanilla

kacang tanah, gula, cream corn, butter.

1. Pukul sebati telur dan gula. Pecahkan telur ke dalam adunan (kacau). Masukkan susu (kacau), campuran tepung (kacau sehingga sebati), mentefa cair, dan esen vanilla. Ketepikan.
2. Panaskan non stick pan.

3. Oleskan dengan sedikit minyak. Senduk sedikit (pandai pandai la ea) dan ratakan di atas pan. Tutup pan sebentar. Bila dah start berlubang lubang tu, boleh ratakan butter, letak kacang+gula dan cream corn (tak de cream corn :( guna ajelah sweet corn). Biarkan sekejap. Kemudian lipat.
4. Ulang langkah 3.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tanggungjawab dalam Sisterhood


berapa ramai orang yang ada adik perempuan atau kakak? angkat tangan! hehe. hari ni, nak bercakap tentang tanggungjawab dalam sisterhood. family ni ade macam macam jenis. bila ada macam macam jenis maka berbeza beza la cara mereka dalam berkomunikasi. ada yang bercakap pasal fesyen, personal status, study etc.

tapi amat la rugi sisterhood itu kalau dia tidak ambil peluang utk jaga adik/kakaknye dari segi fiqh wanita. apa yang saya maksudkan dengan fiqh wanita? kalau ade adik yang still umur 12 tahun 13 tahun, mesti la dorang baru datang bulan kan? kadang kadang ade yang ambil mudah dengan hal seperti ini:

"alah, dorang mesti dah tahu pasal semua tu, sebab kat sekolah mesti ajar"
"senang je benda tu. Lepas habis, mandi start dengan anggota kanan dlu"
"lepas habis waktu kotor tu, semayang la"

dialog dialog di atas memang menbantu. tapi seciput je. Kalau kita fikirkan mendalam lagi, ia melibatkan lebih dari itu dan boleh memberi kesan yang sgt sgt sgt lebih dari permukaan yang kita lihat. Jom kita tengok satu satu

Belajar di Sekolah: ye, memang betul dia belajar di sekolah, tapi adakah dia betul betul faham? perempuan ni memang bersikap malu tambah tambah hal hal sensitif macam ni. Di sesetengan sekolah, ustaz atau ustazah terangkan kepada seluruh kelas. si perempuan yang tengah tahan malu dah tak fokus dan dapat 1/3 (reka je fact ni) je dari info yang diberikan.

Mandi bermula dengan anggota kanan: pun betul, tapi sebenarnye procedure dia lebih dari ini. dan yang lebih ini la yang perlu diterangkan.

Lepas habis satu jangka masa, boleh semayang: Dasarnye, ye. memang betul. sangat sangat sedih bila tanya sisters macam mana dorang monitor bulan bulan "oh, tiap kali lepas habis solat lah". tapi adakah dah pasti dengan senggang masa di antara dua "waktu" tu?


Ini la benda yang penting sekali perlu diterangkan dan ditekankan. Cuba tanya adik yang baru sahaja mengalami benda ni:

1. Kenapa wanita mengalami peredaran ini?
2. Apa yang perlu dilakukan bila dah habis peredaran ini?
3. Kesan daripada kelalaian dalam hal ini?

Mungkin ada yang boleh jawab semua, 2/3, 1/3 atau so so je. Sebagai wanita baru, dia kena tahu pengetahuan agama ini untuk kesedaran dia sendiri. bahawa dia sedang mengalami transition. Jadi, dia dah tak boleh tidur dengan abah (elakkan), bergurau senda dengan sepupu lelaki lebih dari sepatutnye dan sebagainye

Satu perkara yang diabaikan (mungkin) oleh wanita adalah catatan bagi setiap "waktu" itu. bila datang, bila habis. Hendaklah diingatkan kepada dirinya bahawa catatan itu hanyalah untuk diri dia dan mungkin doktor (jika berlaku masalah kesihatan). Ini untuk memudahkan dia kenalpasti waktu suci. Kerana, "waktu" special itu bukanlah semudah bermula dan berhenti. tetapi kita perlu ambil berat tentang jangka masa berhenti di antara dua "waktu". Adakah cukup 15 hari? atau tidak cukup? Sekiranya tiada catatan dan dia mengalami dua kali "waktu" ini dalam sebulan tanpa beza 15 hari, maka susahlah untuk dia tentukan adakah dia mengalami "waktu" itu atau masalah kesihatan? Ini boleh menyebabkan puasa, solat dan segala ibadah terkesan dengan buruknya. Sah kah? tidak sah kah?

Kompleksnya badan wanita ni, apabila ada ketidak seimbangan hormon. Seperti yang saya katakan tadi, catatan itu mungkin boleh jadi rujukan doktor (jika diperlukan). Tak perlulah nak tunjuk jika sekadar hidung berhingus kan. hehehe.

Oh, rasanya itu sahaja. hal ini mungkin agak segan untuk dibincangkan. tapi untuk sisterhood dan mengaut pahala buat diri kita, why not, kan? Kenapa saya letak benda ni di tempat yang terlalu public? Kerana mustahil untuk saya call setiap kawan kawan saya dan beritahu hal ini. Dan ada yang berpendapat adik adik mereka boleh google dam baca sendiri atau tanya sendiri. Sikap ambil mudah inilah yang perlu dibuang. Tahu dari bacaan dengan tahu kakak/adik sendiri, ada beza ye? sebab itu namanya SISTERHOOD.

Sorry, kalau ada pendapat di sini yang tidak betul. Ini hanyalah pendapat persendirian. Sila betulkan kalau salah. Thank you.

p/s: macam biasa, saya tak bagus pun. tapi hanya ingin berkongsi pendapat:)
 (images are courtesy of google)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Resepi: Chocolate Cake (wedding white icing)


Gosh, this marks another tick in my wishlist. Finally, I made a proper cake (almost). with, the icing coated the cake. *shed tears* melodrama seyhhh..huhu

Oh, the most important part is, it is not too sweet. Just nice :)

Chocolate cake coated with white icing


1 1/3 cups of self raising flour
1/3 cocoa powder
1 cup of sugar (but I only use 3/4 cup)
1 cup of milk
150 g of butter
2 eggs
1 spoon of vanilla extract

1 1/2 icing sugar (I use 1/2 cup of icing sugar)
5 eggs (white only)
a pinch of salt

1. Melt the butter and whisk it with sugar.
2. Put in eggs and beat.
3. In another bowl, combine the flour and the cocoa powder. mix it well.
4. Add in the flour+cocoa mixture into the other bowl. Whisk.
5. Lastly, the vanilla extract. Pour it in a baking tray.
6. Bake the batter in the preheated oven (170 degree or mark 4) for 40 minutes-ish
7. When it is ready, cool the cake.

1. Mix the white eggs with the icing sugar in a bowl
2. Boil water in a pot. When the water has boiled, put the bowl on top of the pot (sort of to steam it). Stir for about 3 minutes.
3. Whisk the mixture until the texture is really thick like a cotton candy.

Lastly, coat the cake with the white icing. Serve:)


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Resepi: Kek Vanilla


ini kek yang dibuat tadi semasa perasaan tengah kacau sebab tiba tiba teringat kat parents. tak pernah pernah rasa macam ni.hmm

Bahan bahan lebih kurang muffin td je. ouh, satu lagi, lebih sesuai untuk minum petang. makan kek dan teh. memang best.


half block of butter (cairkan)

Resepi: Vanilla Muffin

Assalamualaikum mortalsssss

weeee~~ yeah, like the title says. I baked a vanilla muffin!! The best thing is I didnt follow the exact recipe but it still turned out well. Feel proud of myself.heee~

8 tbs of salted butter (melt)
1 1/2 cups of sugar (I put 1 cup cz I don't like too much sweet)
2 eggs
3 cups of self raising flour
2 cups of fresh milk
1 teaspoon of  vanilla essence

1. Beat all the ingredients (in the order listed above)
2. Pre-heat the oven for 5 minutes
3. Fill the batter in the muffin cases (60-70 % of the case)
4. Bake in the oven for about 25 to 30 minutes at 170 degree celcius or mark 4.


You can decorate your muffin with icing


melt the cooking chocolate and spread it on the muffin. Crush some Oreo (without the white frosting). Sprinkle it on the melted choc.


I am so gonna brag this to my future daughter. hahaha

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Of Usrah and Reflection

Assalamualaikum mortals.

I am writing my elective assignment and blog, listening to the youtube and, at the same time, occupying myself with twitter and facebook. dugh! Do we call that study? Kick me. Kick me, please. Wake me up.

Okay. of usrah and reflection.

I went for my usrah session yesterday at my naqibah's house in Plymstock. We discussed the nikmat from Allah and our attitutude towards it. However, I was more attracted to this phrase "Aku merindui sahabat sahabatku" than anything else.

 It was from Rasulullah. And when the sahabat said "we are here, ya Rasulullah". He replied "Aku merindui umatku yang tidak dapat melihatku tapi masih menjalankan ajaran agama Allah yang aku bawa". I was touched by that sentence.

The sentence is familiar and we hear it from different people, situation, events. Yet, it has that thing to melt our heart. However, I felt ashamed because he misses us but we keep forgetting him. :(

image from google

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lidah Yang Tajam Fikiran Yang Tumpul

Allisan kassaif qad tuaazi annas lau tafkir fi dimagh qalilah (kata kata ibarat pedang jika berfikiran stumpul. -translation. sumber pelajar jordan-

apa apa pun makna yang ingin saya bawa kat sini kata kata ibarat pedang.

Kita biasa dengar tentang satu nasihat yang berbunyi "kurangkan bercakap (bercakap hanya ikut keperluan) kerana ia mampu menyelamatkan byk perkara / membawa byk kebaikan"

Kadang kadang kata kata atau lidah kita mampu menghiris orang jika semasa kita "menghiris", kita berfikir dengan "pisau" yang tumpul.--------------->> paham dak ape yang cuba saya nyatakan di sini??arghh~~ tak reti nak bagi perumpamaan hebat hebat.huhu. maafkan saya.:p

Gurauan itu tidak salah. tidak sama sekali. bahkan jika kena cara nya boleh mengeratkan lagi hubungan. Mungkin ramai yang terlepas pandang, Begitu juga saya. Itu normal. Nobody is perfect. I am nobody= I am perfect.haha (perasan!) tiru ayat sudipkayu.

Oleh itu, "asahkan" dahulu fikiran sebelum "menghunus" kata kata.

p/s: pendek sahaja. sebab letih baru balik selepas dari pukul 9.30 pagi keluar.


wee~~ ini for my family yang jauh di perantauan.kekekkee...

_pandai tak anak abah buat banner raya sendiri sekarang?? hehe *macam la abah aku tahu kewujudan blog*
Maseh pada Raihan yang ajar!

abah semakin hari semakin romantik dengan anak sndiri.hahahha:D

p/s: tok sah dok tnye awat tangan cek bertongkat lalu terjungkit jari. kerana sesungguhnya susah nak amik gambaq guna fon baru.*jari pendek dan di tepi fon tiada butang untuk kamera*

Friday, November 4, 2011

Recipe: Mini Shepherd Pie

Salam peopleeee, weheeee....
Wokey, today i made shepherd pie ( although some people said that it looked like a creampuff, bubur lambuk etc) Grrrr.... Huhu

Potatoes (10 small potatoes)

Onions, garlic, chicken meat (chopped), chilli powder, some hot water, carrots, capsican ( green), salt, sugar

1. Boil the potatoes (either with sprinkle of salt or not) till it is soft and mashed- able).

2. Mash it with a fork. Pour in some milk and salt. Put it aside.

1. Fry the onions, garlics, the chicken meats for a while (with sensible amount of oil)

2. Put in mixture of water and chilli powder. Followed by carrots.

3. Also, add in some chilli sauce and tomato sauce.

4. After that, the capsican and some salt and sugar.

1. It is basically layers of mashed potato, fillings, mashed potato again and grated cheese.
2. Bake in the oven mark 3 for about 15 to 20 mins. ( tak lama pn xpe. Benda dh masak)
3. Serve hot.

P/S: mashed-able tak wujud pon dlm kamus. Hehehe

Monday, October 31, 2011

Manusia Yang Bersifat Nasia

Assalamualaikum mortals,

How's your morning (malaysians)? I have started my morning pretty good when I woke up at 5.32 am for subuh jemaah prayer with Ada. Alhamdulillah. This is not a long preach entry. A quick reflection.

 I planned to wear my usual blouse. (Sadly) Since I have to work this morning, I need to wear my work T shirt, just to show professionalism. Sadly,  the t shirt given to me is too small for my size though I've lose weight. It's a "S".

Usually, if I have work, I will wear jeans (since I don't have slack anymore)-to be comfortable moving around. I already had the jeans on me when suddenly I looked at the mirror and the reflection disappointed me. So, I changed to skirt which pretty impractical for an active day.

The same discussion I had with Kak Wani on the bus yesterday. About clothing and our personality. So, girls, check yourself before step out of your house. If the t shirt is a bit tight, wear long lose skirt and sweater. If the trousers are tight, wear a long lose blouse/shirt or t shirt and sweater. Sometimes, we forget or we don't notice. Thanks for reading!

sorry, halalkan ea gambar

So, I will look like this if I wear jeans today. (even though I wear sweater to cover)

Instead of trousers or jeans, I wear skirt today and sweater:)

Sorry, I am not practising vanity here. :) So, Pass?? Can I go out now?:)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Recipe: Ayam Kukus


kembalinya kita di dalam rancangannnnnn "Jom sihat" (tiba tiba tukar nama) :p

Okay, sorry la.tak boleh tidur. nak buat macam mana. Nak tulis kejadian menarik macam tak ada je. hehe
Okay, nak berkongsi resepi sikit utk orang yang mungkin nak kurangkan makanan bertumis dan berminyak. Mungkin ada yang dah bosan dengan tom yam, sup ayam sayur, sup sayur. Yang ni pun boleh dikira sup jugak, tapi tak de la sup mana pun:P


Kalau ikut hati nak je glemerkan nama resepi ni jadi AYAM BERENDAM LEPPLIO!:p

Okay, okay, back to business.

curi kat blog sape tah.lupa.
yang ni dia guna pengukus sebab tu tak de kuah. kalau yang nak diceritakan ni tak guna pengukus. guna periuk je. 

senang aje.
Ayam (suka hati)
Air (bergantung pada ayam suka hati)
Halia sebesar ibu jari mungkin (dipotong halus memanjang)
Cili (merah dan hijau atau either or)
Bawang putih (dipotong halus memanjang)
Serai (diketuk)
Garam dah gula secukup rasa

1. Masukkan semua bahan bahan mengikut turutan di atas. Sebelum ditutup dengan tudung periuk, basahkan ayam dengan kuah di dalam kuali itu. Tutup periuk atau kuali anda sehingga ia masak. siap! (pastikan kuantiti air menutupi ayam)

heee~ada banyak cara sebenarnya nak buat. ada yang ada kuah, ada yang tak de kuah. yang ini kita panggil resepi malas. sekiannn

A Piece of Advice: Dieters

Assalamualaikum (kuang ajo syamimi, reading 30 minit je pastu melagha.hehe)

Okay, okay, let's practice writing then *boo! alasan* :P
Remember this ENTRY?
The plan is on (although it is in a small group.hehe)!

So, this is a sharing to my lovely contestants and also dieters. It isn't from a professional but it is from my experience and a bit of research. To layout the tips, I'll share some of the frequent questions from dieters of different diet plans:

1. If I am on diet, I can't eat my favourite meal. Right? What a torture.
For other diet plans, I am sure it will affect. Depends on the types of your favourite foods. Greasy? Oily? Fatty? You can take your  oily, greasy plus unhealthy favourite foods but in a small portion. However, there is no guarantee that your body will shape (other diet plans).

For Herbalife diet plan, (yes, you can eat your favourite food) you will lose weight and shape your body. The key word here is "IN A DECENT AMOUNT".

For example, I can still eat my kue tiaw goreng (my favourite) for lunch/dinner. The portion will be a bowl of it ONLY. Tips: put in a lot of vegetables with it.

NOTE: One medium/small bowl of mee goreng is 300++ calorie. A plate of it is around 600 ++

2. It means, I can't take fast food too?? Pizza, Fried Chicken?? Urgh!! 
Again, yes you can. But it is best to avoid. Because these type of foods will only satisfy your feeling and not your hunger. Personally, rather than eating a small portion high calorie food, I'd go for a nutritious meal. Why do you want to waste your calorie intake just for a small greasy food that doesn't benefit you much?

3. Drinking 4 litres of water makes the toilet my second bedroom. I can't stand it.
That happens due to the toxic in our body. However, after some times, it will slow down.

P/S: It's plain water we are talking here. Not hot chocolate, coffee, pepsi, coca cola and tea

4. I love chocolate, tit bits. Can't live without it. 
Most people like to take tit bits, chocolate, snacks, cakes and all the small size but high calorie foods in between the main meals. They look small but have super duper high calories. A small Walker tit bits is 300 ++ calorie (equivalent to a bowl of mee sup). My contestants asked me the same questions over and over again. The only answer that I can give is:

"Yes, you may take the chocolate, snacks tit bits but in a small portion and infrequent (once a week?)"


Because, those foods contain high amounts of salt and sugar. Too much salt and sugar is not good for dieters. Drinking a lot of coffee, hot chocolate and all the sweet beverages/food will result in energy crash. Once this happens, you will feel hungry and tired. This will lead to another bad consequences which are eat more and sleep more!

And please, if you want to give yourself a rest from the restraint (of choc, sweet drinks, greasy foods), do not take all of it in one go! Please consider a queue. This week is chocolate relief week, next week is sweet drink relief week and so on. (though, it is still best to avoid doing it frequently)

I think that's all for now. I'll give more tips and sharing in the next entry. Don't think herbalife as a diet but try to think it as part of your usual eating. and for other dieters, no crash diet please.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hidup Terasa Lebih Bermakna


Random post about random feeling. Today, I went to my darlings house to settle one of the diet challenge stages.  It was tiring (and still). I had to walk to four places. First to Hunter Personnel, then took a bus to ****** and then to ******** and lastly took two buses to reach **** **** (my participants' details are confidential)

However, I feel energetic (thanks Allah, thanks herbalife, thanks coach, thanks sis) and enthusiastic. Because I really want to help people to reach their dream. My coach always says this to me "betulkan niat, even nik tak dapat apa apa sgt pn, tapi insyaAllah pahala dapat. we know how it suffers to be diffident cz of our appearance". Although I am not perfect, I am happy with the new me :)

Sometimes, people's words and expression hurt my feeling, though they don't mean to be. It even hurts to imagine that my darlings might go through this. However, I try to think positive "they don't mean it. take it as an advice and concern. you are just thinking too much:)"

It is not wrong at all to improve ourselves and our health (earlier). Ego won't benefit you much. :)

That's all. I can't do any of my homeworks coz my mind is saying "oh, my works (the coaching part) have finished".

p/s: I am actually realising one of my dreams; to help people in need!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Recipe: Chocolate Muffin!


Serioussss, I feel like climbing the Eiffel Tower and sing "akhirnya! Muffin aku menjadi jugaaaa, sekian lamaaaa" *nyanyi ikut lagu Anita sarawak*

-overreact- LOL

Anyway! This morning, with such enthusiasm, I borrowed kitchen scale from House 32 and started baking at 9.30 am.

This is the recipe:
entah pape je edit gambar. sabo  je laaa..hahahha


200 g cooking chocolate
70 g butter
2 eggs
50g caster powder
60g plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder

1. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Then, put in the butter and let it melt (mix well) with the chocolate. (put aside)

2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and sugar.
3. Mix the egg with the chocolate+butter mixture

4. Then, the flour and baking powder.
5. After it is well-mixed, fill it into the cuppies about 3/4 or half of the cups.
6. Put it into the oven for about 20 mins at 170 degree Celsius or mark 4 oven
7. You are free to decorate your muffins with whip cream or icing!:)

Selamat mencuba!

maseh kepada housemate saya kerana sudi melayan kerenah masak masak saya. weh! bangga weh! boleh gebang kat anak cucu nanti:D

Monday, October 24, 2011

Recipe: Curry Puff

Assalamualaikummmm awesomeeee

Hi, sorry la. Muffin tak jadi hari tu. terlebih coklat la pulaaaak..huhu. tak pe tak pe. akan dibuat juga muffin tu. jadi TUNGGUUUUU...

Hari ini, housemate ku, Nur Shuhada Miskin, berkata:

Ada: ni, ummi suruh buat karipap sebab kentang rumah dia banyak
Saya: waaa, nak tolong skali laaaa..weeee, boleh letak dalam blog,hehe. (baik tak saya? muehehheehe)

Ayuh melihat gambar dulu!

gedik tak. gambar karipap pun nak edit.hahhaa.
siap buang kot 'jerawat' dia..

Baru belajar edit photoshop dengan Raihan sebenarnya.hehe

Oh, saya tolong mengapit dan meletakkan isi sahaja.huhu.

Ini resepinya~

Inti Karipap:

Ukuran  bahan bergantung kepada diri anda sendiri
kentang dan isi ayam (potong dadu)
bawang merah
serbuk kari dibancuh dgn air (jangan terlalu byk, kalau x jd berair)

Tumis kesemua di atas.

Kulit Karipap:

Tepung, sedikit butter (sesudu kalau amount sedikit), dan air

1. Campurkan kesemuanya dan uli sehingga menjadi doh yang cantik (tidak terlalu lembik dan tidak terlalu keras)

Proses pembuatan:
1. Carik doh dan roll dengan roller atau apa apa yang berbentuk silinder

2. Letak inti berpadanan dengan saiz doh dan kelim (samada secara manual atau pengelim)

3. Letak karipap yang siap dikelim di dalam dulang yang telah ditaburkan sedikit gandum

4. Goreng dan hidangggggg:)

 selamat mencubaaaa!!:)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Recipe: Omelette Bread


I feel almost like wanting to shrink myself into a tiny mini bit of particle coz I call it as a recipe.haha
Anyway, it is a sharing of what I prepared for my darlings' breakfast this morning:)

i dont know why the orientation does not change.=.=


Bread (4 to 5 slices)
2 Egg
1/4 cup of fresh Milk
Carrots (round or cube shape)
Chillies (green or red)----you can replace these with parsley. It is meant to give colour to the bread texture.
Pinch of salt
Optional: Onions.

1. Beat the egg with pinch of salt and fresh milk. Add in the chillies and carrots.
2. Spread some butter on one side of the bread and then followed by a spoon of the mixed egg.
3. Put a few drops of oil on the non sticky pan and fry it.
4. Flip the bread and repeat step 2.
5. Serve hot with a cup of tea.:)

Happy breakfast!:)

Recipe: Home made Pizza (Tuna, Malaya Chicken, Salami)


Hari ini kita ber bahasa ibunda pula ya. (bajet nye.ngeee):P

Baru balik dari rumah sayang sayang Peverell di Mannamead Road. House warming and kenduri kesyukuran for His blessing.:) Meriah, of course la meriahhhh. Tambah  tambah ada kami penghuni house 20 yang comel ni. kekekeke. *pang! kena tampar dengan Nad.hahaha*

ok dah. cakap banyak banyak tak guna. Semalam saya dan rakan serumah, Shuhada Miskin, telah menyediakan terlebih dahulu barang barang untuk buat pizza. Kemudian, bahan bahan dibawa dan dibakar di rumah Peverell. Of course la, saya tolong tolong masak topping and hidang je. hehe

HOME MADE PIZZA (TUNA, MALAYA PIZZA, CHEESY SALAMI)-----belasah bagi nama. yang penting sedap.:D


Bahan Bahan Doh:

1 1/2 cawan air suam
2 1/4 sudu teh yeast
3 1/2 cawan tepung roti
2 sudu makan minyak zaitun
2 sudu teh garam
1 sudu teh gula

Cara cara:
1. Satukan yeast dan air suam di dalam bekas (chef kata, air suam ye, bukan air sejuk mahupun air panas)
2. Masukkan minyak zaitun+tepung+garam+gula
3. Gaul sehingga sebati.
4. Biarkan 45-60 mins untuk bagi dia naik dan kembang (ampa biar semalaman pun tak pe wehhh)
5. Tutup bekas dengan kain lembap.

hasil selepas semalaman. berkembang dengan sihat

salami tu untuk topping PIZZA CHEESY SALAMI
cheddar cheese dipotong tebal memanjang untuk dibalut

Hirisan nenas
Hirisan bawang besar (dipotong bulat)
Hirisan Capsicum (Lada Benggala)
Cheddar cheese (dipotong bar)
Grated Cheese (untuk ditabur)
Topping tuna

Cara masak Topping tuna:
1. 2 tin tuna
2. Masak sesuka hati (macam sardin)-------masak hingga ia kering.

Proses pembuatan Pizza Tuna:
1. Sapukan butter pada dulang pembakar.

2. Ambil doh mengikut isipadu tray. (ketebalan insyaAllah ikut suka ampa jugak)

3. Dengan menggunakan sedikit tepung, bentukkan doh mengikut bentuk dulang pembakar.
3. Tarik hujung doh untuk digunakan bagi membalut Cheddar cheese (atau cheese ape je yang ampa ada). ---ala-ala cheese pizza hut tu..

4. Sapukan mayonis di atas doh, diikuti puri tomato.
(yang ni gambar untuk topping ayam. yang merah adalah puri tomato)

5. Letakkan isi topping tuna. 3 hingga 4 gelung bawang besar, hirisan nanas, hirisan capsicum dan karot.

6. Taburkan grated cheese sesuka hati ampa.

7. Bakar di dalam oven mark 6 selama 20 minit (bergantung kepada saiz pizza)



1. hirisan daging ayam
2. cili boh (atau serbuk cili + air)
3. Bawang besar
4. Bawang putih
5. Garam + gula secukup rasa
6. Sedikit sos tomato

Cara cara:

1. Tumis bawang besar + putih + cili boh.
2. Masukkan ayam, goreng bersama tumisan sehingga masak.
3. Kemudian masukkan sos tomato, garam, gula.
4. Biarkan sementara agar kuah nya sedikit kering.

Proses pembuatan pizza malayan adalah sama. ulang langkah yang sama seperti PIZZA TUNA (cuma tukar topping sahaja)

selamat mencuba!!!:)