Sunday, November 13, 2011

Of Usrah and Reflection

Assalamualaikum mortals.

I am writing my elective assignment and blog, listening to the youtube and, at the same time, occupying myself with twitter and facebook. dugh! Do we call that study? Kick me. Kick me, please. Wake me up.

Okay. of usrah and reflection.

I went for my usrah session yesterday at my naqibah's house in Plymstock. We discussed the nikmat from Allah and our attitutude towards it. However, I was more attracted to this phrase "Aku merindui sahabat sahabatku" than anything else.

 It was from Rasulullah. And when the sahabat said "we are here, ya Rasulullah". He replied "Aku merindui umatku yang tidak dapat melihatku tapi masih menjalankan ajaran agama Allah yang aku bawa". I was touched by that sentence.

The sentence is familiar and we hear it from different people, situation, events. Yet, it has that thing to melt our heart. However, I felt ashamed because he misses us but we keep forgetting him. :(

image from google


  1. sharing session please nnt bebila:)

  2. aku juga rindu kamu and tetap rindu kamu keranaNya....wah..tukar gambar nampak..koho ayu..pewit..lalala..:)

  3. @mchen: insyaAllah:)
    @mok mah: ayu ko??? hehe...rindu ko mu mah...:(

  4. ayu sikit pade aku..hua3~~~!!!!

  5. hahahha..nati aku wat lagi ayu bile jupo mu.huhu
